Category Archives: Train

Twilight Superstar Taylor Lautner Is A Super Fan Of Train

Taylor Lautner became a mega superstar & hit with all the ladies when he played the lead role of Jacob in the Twilight series. Taylor was goo-goo for one band in particular who also created the soundtrack for his film, ‘Abduction.’ (Coming Soon To Cinemas Near You).

Lautner admitted that Train is one of his favorite bands & he also admitted that ‘Hey Soul Sister’ & ‘To Be Loved’ are two of his favorite productions. He said, “I’ve always been a big fan of Train, so I was excited to have their music be a part of this film.”

He told JSYK. “I love the song ‘To Be Loved,’ and was amazed to see that not only did it play such a prominent role in this movie, but it fit the tone and feeling perfectly.”

Taylor’s new film ‘Abduction’ hits theatres on Friday September 23rd (Not In Barbados). The plot focuses on Nathan Price (Taylor Lautner) and his journey to discover his true identity after he sees his baby photo in an old missing persons ad.