Category Archives: Mac Miller

Make – A – Foundation Receives A Generous $50,000 Donation From Mac Miller

Mac Miller is one of the newer rap artists on the scene but he’s secured a warm spot in the hearts of many with his latest deed. The 19 year old decided to do something positive with the profits made from his debut album ‘Blue Slide Park’ which landed at No.1 on the Billboard Top 200 charts.

Miller showed the public his good side by making a hefty donation of $50,000 to the Make-a-Wish Foundation. This organization is one familiar to everyone as it is one of Justin Bieber’s favourite charity organizations. Just to refresh everyone’s memory, the organization works to grant the wishes of children with life threatening sicknesses.

During his show in Steel City on December 9th he handed the oversized cheque over to the organization and signed it in front of his fans. Another great example of the proper Christmas spirit.