Category Archives: Legal

Justin Bieber Pulled Over By Cops Again

While taking a stroll in his pimped out Cadillac down Ventura Boulevard, Justin Bieber was pulled over by the LAPD once again. The officer old TMZ that he pulled Bieber over for making an “unsafe left turn.”

Luckily for the Biebs, he got away with another warning and a promise to never do it again. Maybe the officer has a Bieber loving daughter at home or maybe he was intimidated by Justin’s private security detail, which was right behind him. Whatever the reason, all that matters is that he’s safe.


Justin had a run in with the law back in October where he was pulled over for cutting off a highway patrolman. Like the current situation, he was let off with a simple warning. The perks of stardom!


Yikes! Selena Gomez Stalker Says He Is A Threat

Remember Thomas Brodnicki? The Selena Gomez stalker who made a death threat to the singer a few months ago? Well he’s back, and this time, he’s not making any jokes.


Brodnicki filed a sworn declaration saying that his freedom would threaten Gomez’s well-being. Gomez filed a restraining order against the demented stalker and it was granted, as it should have been. After this new development, Selena has filed for a permanent restraining order against him.


TMZ reported that the judge presiding over the case, William Stewart, refused to issue the restraining order until Thomas Brodnicki was present to defend himself. He argued that his inability to make a court appearance to defend himself might have resulted in the denial of his right to due process. (Which if you didn’t know is a really big thing in the legal world. The right to due legal process can make or break a case)


Brodnicki refused to appear in court on Jan 6th and stated: “I believe that a restraining order should be issued against me to prevent me from trying to contact Selena Gomez.” He continued, “I do not wish to object to the restraining order against me because I know it is the only thing that will make me stay away from Selena.”


Brodnicki is obviously experiencing mental problems and should be checked into a mental institution in my opinion. I mean come on, who requests that a judge grant a restraining order?


Lady GaGa Sues Over Trademark Rights!

Lady GaGa has worked unbelievably hard to reach the level of fame that she has obtained and she refuses to let anyone else use her fame for his or her own benefit.

Mother Monster has filed a lawsuit against a company who applied for permission to use her name in order to sell cosmetic and jewelry. According to Billboard, Lady GaGa is suing Excite Worldwide LLC for applying to trademark “Lady Gaga” and “Lady Gaga LG.” The US Patent and Trademark Office have not approved the application. Gaga stated that the actions of the company are interfering with her own trademark efforts. Excite Worldwide LLC is moving in on Gaga’s turf and the worldwide recognition of her stage name.

Gaga has also revealed to the press that she doesn’t want the company to fool the public into thinking that she endorses their products and cause them to purchase their products.

Consumer confusion is not an option! Lady GaGa is seeking undisclosed damages in her suit, which she filed in her home country of New York.