Category Archives: Coldplay

Coldplay Admits That It Took Them About A Year To Ask Rihanna To Collab For ‘Princess Of China.’

During an interview with Ryan Seacrest, Coldplay’s Chris Martin revealed that it took them “about a year” to gather the courage to ask Rihanna to collaborate with them on their latest track from, ‘Mylo Xyloto,’ ‘Princess of China.’

“We were at a New Years concert in Las Vegas with Jay-Z and she was there. We just got done playing so I had that tiny bit of confidence you get after a concert, and I managed to stammer it out, ‘Would you maybe … Perhaps … Consider singing…’ It was very 7th grade-y, but she was very kind, and sang on it.” Martin recalled about getting RiRi on the song.

According to Chris, Rihanna’s vocals on the track were,“the best bit of singing on any of our albums ever!”

Listen to ‘Princess of China’ below

Listen to the Interview below

Coldplay Interview

Lady Gaga and Bruno Mars Join 2011 MTV EMA’s Line Up

Today, MTV announced that Lady Gaga and Bruno Mars won’t only be present at the awards show but will also be performing. The performance line up just keeps getting more impressive as the days go by.

The 2011 MTV EMA’s take place on November 6th and will also feature performances by Red Hot Chili Peppers, Coldplay, Jessie J, LMFAO, Snow Patrol, and Jason Derulo.

Coldplay, Jessie J and LMFAO To Perform At MTV EMA’s

MTV has recently announced that Coldplay, LMFAO and Jessie J will be performing at the 2011 MTV EMA’s.  The show takes place on November 6th in Belfast, Northern Island.


This Just In : Watch Coldplay Live On Letterman In 2 Minutes


Tune into Entertainment Daily tonight at 8PM on the dot to watch a live stream of Coldplay’s performance on ‘Live on Letterman.’ They will be performing in New York but thanks to and at&t  you can watch it from anywhere !

Watch The Stream Below ! – Starting in 2 Minutes !