Category Archives: Chris Brown

Rihanna Reveals Painful Details Of Her Relationship With Chris Brown

After watching ‘We Found Love’ it is evident that the video displays the details of the relationship between Chris Brown and Rihanna.  Rihanna has always been open about the abusive relationship between her and her ex-boyfriend and she recently sat down with Diane Sawyer for an interview, which aired today.

“I fended him off with my feet from one … side of the car, but … it was not like, it was not like a fight with each other. I just … I really just wanted it to stop…I was bleeding. I was swollen in my face. So there was no way of me getting home, except for, my next option was to get out of the car and walk. Start walking in a gown, in a bloody face. So I really don’t know what my plan was. I didn’t have a plan. That whole night was not part of my plan.” She recalls about the horrendous night.

She also revealed that by the time the police had arrived, she was already battered and said that the assault broke out because Chris was lying.

“I caught him in a lie. And he wouldn’t tell the truth … I was being more annoyed at that point in our relationship he had to lie about something so stupid, I couldn’t take that he kept lying to me. And he couldn’t take that I wouldn’t drop it. And … it was ugly,” she said.

Rihanna also revealed why after the assault, she continued to sty with him, she said “The physical wounds go away, you put it in the back of your head and you start lying to yourself subconsciously.”

Eventually, after she gathered all of her thoughts and came back to reality, she realized that she could no longer be with him. “I just said to him, ‘I can’t do this.’ I resented him. I resented him so much. And I always put the tough face on and try to, I can do anything face, and just try to play it off. But he knew. He knew it. He kept asking me, ‘You hate me, don’t you? You hate me,’” she told Sawyer. “And I would lie and I would say, ‘No, no. And … I did hate him. … Everything about him annoyed me. So finally … I just said, we can’t … we can’t do this. I cannot continue to do this.”

Even though Rihanna has gotten over the incident for the most part, the assault and embarrassment is something that will always haunt her.

She said, “The thing that men don’t realize, when they hit a woman, it’s… the face, the broken arm, the black eye, it’s going to heal. That’s not … the problem. It’s the scar inside. You flashback. You … you remember it all the time. It comes back to you whether you like it or not. And it’s painful. So I don’t think he understood that. They never do.”

Chris, I’m very disappointed in you. Rihanna, you’re a very strong woman.

Porn Star Supposedly Had Sex With Chris Brown

Porn Star Lisa Ann has shocked the world with a teaser from her interview. Lisa and the interviewer were sitting in a hotel room and when asked whom she had sexual relations with a scene of the superstar was played.

Look out for the full video, which airs on Monday October 3rd.