Category Archives: Kolij Runway

Kolij Runway For The Ash Lauren Fashion Show

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Ash Lauren Fashion Show

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Kolij Runway : Behind The Scenes Street Style

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Kolij Runway Semi-Finals

Kolij Runway – The Seven Deadly Sins

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Wrath / Pride / Lust / Gluttony / Greed / Sloth /Envy / Vanity


These are the seven deadly sins that are seen as the origins of all others. During this past week, the Kolij Runway contestants in their latest photoshoot portrayed these vices. Judging from the photos, the contestants did an extraordinary job portraying their assigned sins.

Wrath also known as rage is the uncontrolled feelings of hatred and anger. Depicted by Chelsie Grant, there is heavy use of black eyeliner and a nude lip to draw attention to her fierce eyes. Jason Isaacs looks like a stone cold killer! Wearing a black cloth around his neck and a vivid red stripe across his eyes, Jason is full of anger. Stare into his eyes and feel his emotions of hate enter your body. Jason – God Of War.

Pride is considered to be the source of the other sins. It is the desire to be more important or attractive than others and the excessive love of self. Myles Norville characterizes the sin very well. The central focus of the photo is him kissing his gold medal, which signifies his high level of pride. He is also shown holding multiple trophies showing that he is definitely a winner.

Lust is the excessive thoughts or desires of a sexual nature. In the foreground of the photo, we see a seductive Theodora Hinds. She accentuates herself with a hint of blush, skin toned eye shadow and her long eyelashes. She also uses a pink lip-gloss to bring it all together. Those lips, ooh la la!  Benjamin, while keeping it basic, still gets the point across. The first few buttons left open and lipstick marks on his collar say a lot.

Gluttony is the over-indulgence and over-consumption of anything to the point of waste. Sydney Jackson takes this time to devour some gummy worms, but in a poised way. Her makeup is very simple, with a small hint of blush and various shades of purple eye shadow. There is also a set of gummy worms strategically placed on her upper body. Luke Grant is shown filling himself with popcorn. Natural, simple and effective.

Greed a very excessive desire and pursuit of wealth, status, and power.  We see Alana Herbert holding on to her possessions with intent. This beautiful model accentuates herself with dark green eyeliner. Pay attention to her eyes, what do you see? – Greed. Kristopher Ying displays greed exceptionally well in his photo. With at least $200 worth of bills in the air around him, Kris keeps his eyes on the money. If you pay attention you’ll even notice his watch and pimped out gold currency necklace. As they say, Green for Greed – Mr.Ying also has a subtle hint of green eye makeup.

Sloth is recognized as the failure to utilize one’s talents and gifts. Gabriel Gunby utilizes some heavy black eye makeup. His back is slouched with relaxed arms. Deandra Frederick has the best female photo by far. Her collar bones, her cheek bones and her calm facial expression make the photo and display the virtue of sloth.

Envy is the resentful longing aroused by someone else’s possessions, qualities, or luck. Ashlee Haynes, why so envious? She sports some serious green eye makeup with very natural lips and a piercing stare. Jack Hibbert also pulls off his vice of envy through his facial expression.

Vanity, seen as a form of pride is the Excessive admiration of one’s own appearance or achievements. Gabriela Carryl suits this perfectly. With her hair blowing in the wind, subtle hints of pink eyeliner are noticeable as she stares into a mirror admiring herself.  The light hits her perfectly emphasizing her endless beauty.


To vote for your favorite picture this week like photos in the album ‘The Seven Deadly Sins.’ Voting ends Tuesday night at 7p.m.

Kolij Runway Models At RUSH Saturdays

Kolij Runway: Vote For ‘Models In Monochrome’

Attention: Did you know that voting for your favourite Kolij Runway models closes tomorrow night at 12 a.m.?  Take advantage of this opportunity to vote for your top picks thus helping them to progress onto the next round!

I had the privilege of being one of the guest judges during their ‘Model Segment: Flashback’ last Friday and they all did an excellent job.  A few of them were shaky in terms of their walk but they all portrayed their assigned era’s well- my personal favourites being: Gabriel Gunby, Myles Norville, Alana Herbert and Gabriela Carryl. I especially loved what Theodora Hinds did when she reached the judges table (Dubstep #FTW).

Follow the links below to view and vote:

 Model Segment: Flashback

 Models in Monochrome

Kolij Runway: Sea Gods And Goddesses

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On Sunday, 17 mystical sea gods and goddesses washed up on the sunny and sandy shores of Barbados. These 9 male and 8 female creatures took part in a photo shoot for Kolij Runway.

When I arrived a few of the contestants were on set having their hair and make-up done and as time progressed the others arrived. Upon commencement of the shoot I carefully observed each and every contestant (While drinking a mauby of course) as three photographers worked tirelessly with them.

The females performed well as I expected and they really brought out their inner-mermaid.  The males were covered in tanning oil and even though some of them fussed about going shirtless and struggled with poses they also performed well.

I asked Zhane what she thought about the theme, and she replied, ” I like it, but i don’t know how it would be portrayed in the guys.” Well Zhane, it was portrayed exceptionally well in both the guys and girls !

A special congratulations to: Gabriel , Kris , Deandra, Alanna and Simone who in my opinion performed the best during the photo shoot. Of course, the other contestants performed well but they portrayed Poseidon and the Mermaid exceptionally well. I wish them all the best of luck!

Check out their Facebook page: – and vote for your favourite contestants.

Stay Tuned – More Inside Details To Come!

Kolij Runway : Behind The Scenes

Check out the Behind The Scenes photos from the Kolij Runway photo shoot,  Sea Gods and Goddesses .

Kolij Runway: Word From The Photographer

[Photographs Compliments Of Sheldon Marshall]


After I witnessed the Sea Gods & Goddesses photo shoot yesterday, I decided to find out from the photographer her thoughts on what took place. I sat down with Melanie and her opinion was that, “ The shoot was actually pretty great, I was very impressed with the models and I see potential in them,” she said. She continued saying that, “ They were more or less very professional and I believe that some of them can make it on an international level.”

-Melanie Grant.

Stay Tuned for more insider information!