Category Archives: DJ Stefers

DJ Stefers Interview

DJ Stefers may not be the greatest DJ in the world but he is one to watch. I got the opportunity to chat with him about his career successes & his passions and I was very much impressed. 


How did your career begin?

My career began with just mainly listening to music getting the feel of it because I really liked music and all of it’s various types and cultures. I couldn’t really go a day without listening to some sort of music and I always wanted to put music together like many of the radio DJs I look up to.


Where did the name come from?

The name DJ Stefers came from a nickname (Stefers) a friend of mine gave me one day in school after my kicking his ass in football. There really is no meaning to Stefers just a variation of my real name.


What gave you that initial push?

What gave me the initial push of becoming a DJ is mainly my friend Erik Johnson because we both started out on the same level listening to DJs and the way they were mixing, so we wanted to do what they did. Up to this day we still challenge each other to remixes clashes and so on and that is what keeps me moving.


What was the first event you ever played at?

The first event I ever played at was a house party for a young lady by the name of Jenna Defreitas. She was really in need of a DJ and my fellow companion and group member Josh decided to help her out. I can’t say the night was a total success but every first play at a party/fete is not the best. 


What’s the best event you’ve played at?

The best event I have ever played at..Hmm. I guess it would have to be one of Queen’s College’s fetes. Crowd response was great and everyone seemed to have a blast. 


Out of all the tunes you have, which one ‘never fails?’

There really is no song for me that ‘never fails’ because really it depends on the crowd you play for. Some crowds only want to enjoy themselves when certain music is playing and other crowds are always dancing even to techno and hip-hop music. A DJ is never to blame for the downfall of a party/fete.


When all the partying is over how do you like to chill out?

When I’m not DJing I’m mainly just at Accra or liming by a friend. 


Other DJs you rate?

The number 1 DJ in Barbados to me is John Doe. He plays well every time I hear him. There is never a time when you are not enjoying yourself when he is at it. Other DJs I look up to are DJ Tiesto, Grand Wizard Theodore and Grand Master Flash worldwide and Locally DJ PUFFY, Dj Scratchmaster, Mixmaster Done, Blaqrose Supreme, DJ Drew, Fullklipp Sounds, Sheldon Papp and Level Vibes. 





What do you do outside of the music scene?

Outside of the music scene I mainly like to do art and study.


What advice would you give to up and coming DJs?

Well I’m not one to talk because I’m now an upcoming DJ but I’d say keep at it it’s never about what you have it’s about how you use it. Always strive for excellence and never stop; keep at it.


When you play is this a pre planned set?

Yes whenever I play I try to organize to my best of my ability it’s always a let down when you are not organized but some like to look for tracks off the top of their heads and still play well. So it can go both ways.


Anything else you want to say? Any shout outs?


I’d just like to say check out my fan page and YouTube I’m mainly known for my remixes so It would be appreciated If you check them out tell me what you think.


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